In this document we describe the Meta-Metamodel to be used by LionWeb version 2024.1. The Meta-Metamodel is called LionCore.
1. Introduction
1.1. Goals
The goal is to define a meta-metamodel that can be used in different contexts and implemented from different languages.
The approach taken would be conservative: we want to provide boring and proven infrastructure, so that innovation can be built on top of it.
This will be based on the experience that we as a community had with the meta-metamodel used in EMF and MPS mainly. Suggestions based on the experience obtained with other meta-metamodels are also very welcome.
1.2. Languages supported
We aim to have the initial implementations being available in Java and Typescript. We are interested in implementing it in other languages too, but not as part of the initial effort.
1.3. What kind of models should be expressible?
Any kind of model. In other words, models specified using metamodels expressed through this Meta-Metamodel should not make any assumptions on the node being obtained from parsing text or a graphical modeling tool or a projectional editor. All these possible origins should be supported, with specific extensions were necessary.
For example, metamodels should be expressed to define:
The Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) of existing textual programming languages such as Java, RPG, Python, or SAS
The Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) of DSLs backed by projectional editors. For example, DSLs used to define tax calculations or automation rules for email marketing systems
2. Overview
Let’s first see a representation of the meta-metamodel using (a tiny subset of) the UML’s class diagram notation.
3. Definition of the meta-metamodel
In this section we describe the single elements composing the Meta-Metamodel. We will list elements by their type: classes, abstract classes and interfaces.
3.1. Concepts
The concepts are Language, Concept, Annotation, Interface, PrimitiveType, Enumeration, EnumerationLiteral, StructuredDataType, Field, Containment, Reference, and Property.
3.1.1. Language
A Language[1] will provide the Concepts necessary to describe ideas in a particular domain together with supporting elements necessary for the definition of those Concepts.
It also represents the namespace for LanguageEntities.
For example, a Language for accounting could collect several Concepts such as Invoice, Customer, InvoiceLine, Product. It could also contain related elements necessary for the definitions of the concepts. For example, a DataType named Currency.
A Language in LionWeb will be roughly equivalent to an EPackage
or the contents of the structure aspect of an MPS Language.
A Language will not have a URI or a prefix, differently from EPackages.
A Language will have a version string, different from MPS Languages' version number.
Differently from EPackages and MPS Languages, there is no way to group language elements. EPackages have instead sub-packages and MPS Languages have virtual folders. For this use case, different Languages could be used instead.
Each Language will contain a list of Language entities in its entities
A Language can depend on other Languages via dependsOn
Dependencies must be explicitly declared.[7]
Language elements contained in a Language are allowed to refer to these other Language elements:[7]
within the same language
within declared dependencies
within transitive dependencies.
Example: if Language B depends on Language A, and Language C depends on B, then Language C can also refer to members of Language A without explicitly declaring a dependency.
A Language CAN declare a transitive dependency explicitly. In the example above, Language C CAN declare an explicit dependency on Language A.
As any Language depends (at least transitively and implicitly) on built-ins elements, a Language CAN declare a dependency on builtins — but does not need to.[10]
3.1.2. Concept
A Concept represents a category of entities sharing the same structure.
For example, Invoice would be a Concept. Single entities could be Concept instances, such as Invoice #1/2022.
A Concept is roughly equivalent to an EClass
(with the isInterface
flag set to false
) or an MPS’s ConceptDeclaration
A Concept can be concrete (i.e., instantiable) or abstract, marked by boolean abstract
A Concept is a Classifier (as it has features). It is indirectly a LanguageEntity (as it is a top level element in a Language), an INamed (as it has a name), a IKeyed (as it has a key).
Each Concept extends
zero or one Concepts.
If no Concepts are explicitly extended, the Concept will implicitly extend the Concept Node.
is the only concept that truly does not extend any Concept.
A Concept implements
zero or more Interfaces.
A Concept can have any number of features
, given it is a Classifier.
A Concept MUST NOT extend itself, or form circles via extends
3.1.3. Annotation
An Annotation is an additional piece of information attached to potentially any node, sharing the node’s lifecycle. The annotated node (or its concept) does not need to know about the annotation.[12] Annotations CAN be attached to other Annotations (although this structure is hard to comprehend, and should be used with caution).
Annotations should only have limited content because the more complex the annotation is, the more likely it should not be part of the annotated node’s lifecycle — We might want to reuse the complex annotation somewhere else.
Example: In MPS, the editor of a concept can be seen as an annotation of that concept.
But even if we deleted the concept, we might want to reuse the editor for another (similar) concept.
Annotations' contents should be orthogonal to the annotated node, because actual content should be part of the original concepts, and unrelated contents should be somewhere else.
Example: Let’s assume our Language defines a Date
We might annotate Date
with @JavaImplementation(java.util.Date)
and @TypeScriptImplementation(JsJoda.LocalDate)
Our core model stays platform-independent, but we maintain the implementation details at the right place — if we ever deleted Date
, all related information would be gone without further cleanup.
We design a fancy documentation language, and can annotate any other node with such documentation.
An Annotation is equivalent to MPS' NodeAttribute
In EMF, an Adapter
can be used for similar purposes on M1 models.
On M2 models (i.e. Ecore), an Annotation corresponds to an EAnnotation
An Annotation is a Classifier, and indirectly a LanguageEntity (as it is a top level element in a Language), an INamed (as it has a name), a IKeyed (as it has a key).
Each Annotation specifies which Classifiers
it annotates
If it should be applicable to any node, it annotates Node.
Annotations can specify which Annotation it extends
and which interfaces it implements
An Annotation CAN have any number of features
, given it is a Classifier.
We CANNOT redefine annotates
in a sub-annotation (i.e. an annotation that extends
We MUST attach an instance of an Annotation only to instances of the Concept the Annotation annotates
(and sub-concepts thereof).
We can attach zero, one, or more instances to a single annotated node.[14]
3.1.4. Interface
An Interface[16] represents a category of entities sharing some similar characteristics.
For example, Named
would be an Interface.
An Interface in LionWeb will be roughly equivalent to an EClass
(with the isInterface
flag set to true
) or an MPS’s ConceptInterfaceDeclaration
An Interface is an Classifier (as it has features). It is indirectly a LanguageEntity (as it is a top level element in a Language), an INamed (as it has a name), a IKeyed (as it has a key).
Each Interface extends
zero or more Interfaces.
An Interface can have any number of features
, given it is a Classifier.
3.1.5. PrimitiveType
This represents an arbitrary primitive value, which is not an Enumeration.
BooleanType, NumberType, and StringType are common PrimitiveTypes.
A PrimitiveType is similar to Ecore’s EDataType
and to MPS’ PrimitiveDataTypeDeclaration
Differently from ECore’s EDataType
PrimitiveType has no flag serializable
, and it does not inherit fields such as instanceClassName
, instanceClass
, or defaultValue
A PrimitiveType is a DataType (as it can be used as type of a Property). It is indirectly a LanguageEntity (as it is a top level element in a Language), an INamed (as it has a name) and a IKeyed (as it has a key).
The correspondence between a PrimitiveType and an implementation class on a specific platforms can be specified through annotations, but it is not specified on the PrimitiveType itself.
We consider a PrimitiveType as opaque value type without structure or identity.
3.1.6. Enumeration
A primitive value with finite, pre-defined, known set of possible values.
DaysOfWeek or PlayingCardSuit are common Enumerations.
An Enumeration is similar to Ecore’s EEnum
and to MPS’ EnumerationDeclaration
Differently from ECore’s EEnum
Enumeration has no flag serializable
, and it does not inherit fields such as instanceClassName
, instanceClass
, or defaultValue
An Enumeration contains EnumerationLiterals in its literals
It also represents the namespace for the EnumerationLiterals.
An Enumeration is a DataType (as it can be used as type of a Property). It is indirectly a LanguageEntity (as it is a top level element in a Language), an INamed (as it has a name) and a IKeyed (as it has a key).
Implementations should use native representations for Enumerations, e.g. a enum
in a Java implementation.
3.1.7. EnumerationLiteral
One of the possible values of an Enumeration.
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday are all EnumerationLiterals of the DaysOfWeek Enumeration.
An EnumerationLiteral is similar to Ecore’s EEnumLiteral
and to MPS’ EnumerationMemberDeclaration
Each EnumerationLiteral must have a unique name
within the Enumeration.
Each EnumerationLiteral belongs to one and only one Enumeration.
3.1.8. StructuredDataType
Represents a collection of named instances of Data Types.
They are meant to support a small composite of values that semantically form a unit.
Instances of StructuredDataTypes have no identity, are always copied by value, and SHOULD be immutable.[17]
Two instances of a StructuredDataType that hold the same values for all fields of that StructuredDataType are interchangeable.
(Instances of Classifiers have an identity, through id
We could represent a "Complex number { real part, imaginary part }" or "Color { red, green, blue }" as StructuredDataType.
No direct similarities.
We could simulate it by a custom EDatatype
in ECore.
A StructuredDataType contains Fields in its fields
It also represents the namespace for the fields.
A StructuredDataType is a DataType (as it can be used as type of a Property). It is indirectly a LanguageEntity (as it is a top level element in a Language), an INamed (as it has a name) and a IKeyed (as it has a key).
M1 Instances of a StructuredDataType SHOULD be immutable.
An M1 instance of StructuredDataType MUST have non-null values for all its fields.
A StructuredDataType MUST NOT (directly or indirectly) contain a field with itself as type
3.1.9. Field
Represents one part of a StructuredDataType.[17]
In the StructuredDataType "Complex number", we would have two fields "real part" and "imaginary part". A StructuredDataType "Color" had the fields "red", "green", and "blue".
No direct similarities.
A Field refers its type
, which is a DataType.
Each Field MUST have a unique name
within its containing StructuredDataType.
Each Field belongs to one and only one StructuredDataType.
3.1.10. Containment
Represents a relation between a containing Classifier and a contained Classifier.
Between an IfStatement and its condition there is a Containment relation.
A Containment is similar to an ECore’s EReference
with the containment
flag set to true
Differently from an EReference
there is no container
flag and resolveProxies
A Containment is similar to an MPS’s LinkDeclaration
with metaClass
having value aggregation
Differently from a LinkDeclaration
there is no field unordered
A Containment refers its type
, which is a Classifier.
A Containment is a Link (as it describes a relation between two Classifiers). It is indirectly a Feature (as it describes the characteristics of a Classifier), an INamed (as it has a name) and a IKeyed (as it has a key).
Each node, except Partitions, must be contained once in exactly one Containment.
The implicit inverse relation of a Containment is called parent. Example: An IfStatement contains its condition. Then, the condition’s parent is the IfStatement.
Instances in containments MUST NOT form a direct or indirect circle: If node a contains node b, node b MUST NOT contain a (direct containment circle). If the same node b contains node c, c MUST NOT contain a (indirect containment circle). However, Concept A can have a Containment of type A. Concept A with Containment of type B, with Concept B having a Containment of type A, is also valid.
We MUST NOT use Annotations as type of a Containment. We MUST put instances of Concepts into a containment on M1 level; we MUST NOT use instances of Annotations.[15]
3.1.11. Reference
Represents a relation between a referring Classifier and referred Classifier.
VariableReference may have a Reference to a VariableDeclaration.
A Reference is similar to an ECore’s EReference
with the containment
flag set to false
Differently from an EReference
there is no container
flag and resolveProxies
A Reference is similar to an MPS’s LinkDeclaration
with metaClass
having value reference
Differently from a LinkDeclaration
there is no field unordered
A Containment refers its type
, which is a Classifier.
A Reference is a Link (as it describes a relation between two Classifiers). It is indirectly a Feature (as it describes the characteristics of a Classifier), an INamed (as it has a name) and a IKeyed (as it has a key).
A multiple Reference MAY refer to the same target more than once. Example: We have nodes p1 and p2 of Concept Procedure. Concept StackTrace has a multiple reference "frames" of type Procedure. An instance of StackTrace can have frames refer to [p1, p2, p1].
3.1.12. Property
This indicates a simple value associated to an entity.
For example, an Invoice could have a date or an amount.
A Property is similar to Ecore’s EAttribute
A Property is similar to MPS’s AttributeDeclaration
A Property refers its type
, which is a DataType.
A Property is a Feature (as it describes the characteristics of a Classifier). It is indirectly a IKeyed (as it has a key) and an INamed (as it has a name).
Properties are always single-valued.[18].
3.2. Abstract concepts
The abstract concepts are LanguageEntity, Classifier, DataType, Feature, and Link.
3.2.1. LanguageEntity
A LanguageEntity is an entity with an identity directly contained in a Language.
For example, Invoice, Currency, Named, or String could be LanguageEntities.
LanguageEntity is similar to Ecore’s EClassifier
LanguageEntity is similar to MPS’ IStructureElement
The difference is that IStructureElement
includes also elements that cannot appear as top level elements of a structure aspects, such as LinkDeclaration
, PropertyDeclaration
, and EnumerationMemberDeclaration
A LanguageEntity can be one of:
Each LanguageEntity must have a unique name
within the Language.
Each LanguageEntity belongs to one and only one Language.
3.2.2. Classifier
A Concept can have several features.
Classifier is similar to EClass
in Ecore (which is used both for classes and interfaces) and to AbstractConceptDeclaration
in MPS.
A Classifier owns any number of Features in features
A Classifier can be one of:
A Classifier is a LanguageEntity (as it is a top level element in a Language). It is indirectly a IKeyed (as it has a key) and an INamed (as it has a name).
3.2.3. DataType
A type of value which has no relevant identity in the context of a model.
A Currency or a Date type.
It is similar to Ecore’s EDataType
It is similar to MPS’ DataTypeDeclaration
A DataType is a LanguageEntity (as it is a top level element in a Language). It is indirectly a IKeyed (as it has a key) and an INamed (as it has a name).
A DataType can be one of:
We consider a DataType as value type without identity. Implementations can choose to copy, compare, or process DataType values by value.
3.2.4. Feature
A Feature represents a characteristic or some form of data associated with a particular Classifier.
For example, an Invoice can have an associated date, a number, a connection with a customer, and it can contain InvoiceLines. All of this information is represented by features.
A Feature in LionWeb will be roughly equivalent to an EStructuralFeature
or to the combination of Properties
and Links
(both containment and reference links) in MPS.
Differently from Ecore’s EStructureFeature
, Features do not have flags such as changeable
, volatile
, transient
, or unsettable
They have no default value
Different from MPS' Link
, Features CANNOT be specialized.[20]
A Feature can be set to optional
or required.
A Feature can either be one of:
Each Feature MUST have a unique name within a specific Classifier, including all (directly or indirectly) inherited Features.[21]
We CAN have non-unique inherited feature names, as in this example:
However, within LionWeb we always use a Feature’s id or key to for identification. Thus, LionWeb can deal with the name clash.
If a host language cannot handle this situation, the generator towards that language needs to resolve it.[22]
3.2.5. Link
Represent a connection to a Classifier.
An Invoice can be connected to its InvoiceLines and to a Customer.
It is similar to Ecore’s EReference
It is similar to MPS’ LinkDeclaration
A Link can have multiple
or only a single targets.
A Link refers its type
, which is a Classifier.
A Link is a Feature (as it describes the characteristics of a Classifier). It is indirectly a IKeyed (as it has a key) and an INamed (as it has a name).
A Link can be either a Containment, or a Reference.
We do NOT support link specialization.[20]
3.3. Interfaces
The interfaces are IKeyed.
3.3.1. IKeyed
A Concept Invoice, contained in a Language
A IKeyed is an INamed (as it has a name).
All elements of the Meta-Metamodel realize IKeyed
A IKeyed’s name
MUST be unique within the namespace (i.e. Language, Classifier, or Enumeration).
The name MUST be a valid programming language identifier[24].
More specifically, we allow Java identifiers with the following modifications:
We do NOT allow
(dollar sign) -
ReservedKeyword, BooleanLiteral, and NullLiteral (as per Java identifier spec) are allowed identifiers.
Names MUST NOT start with a number.
Names MUST NOT be empty.
Names MUST NOT contain spaces.
Names CAN use Unicode characters, numbers, and underscore.
These restrictions only apply to names of Language elements (i.e. M3 concepts/M2 instances).
Any language that uses INamed on its own can establish their own constraints.
Refer to Keys for more constraints.
3.4. Pre-defined keys and resolveInfos
We can serialize languages as regular nodes. To keep the serialized form of the language compatible with multiple LionWeb versions. we SHOULD serialize references to M3 elements and built-ins without target reference id, and include the resolveInfo as listed in this section.[25]
3.4.1. Keys and resolveInfos of M3 elements
M3 element | Concept | Key | ResolveInfo |
Concept |
Reference |
Reference |
Reference |
Concept |
Containment |
Concept |
Property |
Reference |
Reference |
Concept |
Concept |
Concept |
Containment |
Concept |
Concept |
Property |
Concept |
Reference |
Interface |
Property |
Concept |
Reference |
Concept |
Reference |
Containment |
Property |
Concept |
Concept |
Property |
Reference |
Concept |
Concept |
Reference |
Concept |
Concept |
Containment |
3.4.2. Keys and resolveInfos of built-in elements
The language hosting built-in elements has id and key LionCore-builtins
[28], its name is LionCore_builtins
Every language implicitly depends on this language.[29] Thus, the ids in this language MUST be stable. This means the id MUST be identical to the key for each node in this language.
Instance | Concept | Key | ResolveInfo |
PrimitiveType |
Interface |
Property |
PrimitiveType |
Concept |
PrimitiveType |
3.5. Built-in elements
Each LionWeb implementation ships with a set of built-in elements, akin to a standard library.[27]
These elements are part of the M2 language LionCore_builtins
It can be used in any user-defined Language.[30]
3.5.1. Concepts
3.5.2. Interfaces
[32], an Interface with one Property calledname
of type String.If a Reference.type targets a Classifier that implements INamed, implementations SHOULD use the target’s
property as default resolveInfo value.
3.5.3. Primitive types
Some primitive types will be widely used, so it makes sense to pre-define them.[33]
3.6. Supporting terminology
3.6.1. Multiplicity
Multiplicity describes how many targets a Link must and can have.
Common multiplicities are 1
(meaning there MUST be exactly one target), 0..1
(meaning there CAN be exactly one target), 0..*
(meaning there CAN be zero or more targets), and 1..*
(meaning there MUST be at least one target, but there CAN be more than one targets).
In Ecore there is no equivalent as lowerBound
and upperBound
can be set independently.
This is equivalent to MPS’ Cardinality
, which has the four values mentioned as example.
LionCore represents multiplicity as the two booleans optional
(whether there MUST be at least one target) and multiple
(whether there CAN be more than one target).
Multiplicity |
true |
false |
false |
false |
true |
true |
false |
true |
3.6.2. Partitions
Each node that does not have a parent node MUST be of a Concept with partition flag set to true
This implies that every node is contained in exactly one partition, namely the partition defined by its root node.[11]
Partitions CANNOT be nested.
A partition is similar to ECore’s Resource
A partition is similar to MPS' model
3.6.3. Identifiers
Valid characters
Ids can only contain these symbols:
lowercase latin characters:
uppercase latin characters:
arabic numerals:
This is the same character set as Base64url variant.
Ids are represented by a string, containing only valid characters (as defined above). An id string is NOT padded, also not by whitespaces. An id string does NOT contain any terminating symbols (compared to some BASE64 variants); this does not affect internal representation in a specific implementation language, e.g. C-style \0-terminated strings.
Node ids MUST be unique within their id-space.
An id-space is a realm that guarantees the uniqueness of all ids within. Typically, this means one repository.
An id-space has an id as defined above. Uniqueness of id-space ids is out of scope of LionWeb specification.
In LionWeb (the protocol), id-spaces are NOT hierarchical. An implementation might choose to use hierarchical id-spaces internally.
A node can be identified relative to its id-space by the node’s id. To globally identify a node, we use the combination of the id-space id and the node id.
3.6.4. Keys
We use keys when we refer from instance level to meta level.[34] Refer to References to language elements for a list of all usages.
Keys are modeled via IKeyed.key. Keys MUST be valid Identifiers.
3.6.5. Namespaces
Typically, a namespace enforces some constraints on the contained names, like uniqueness within the same namespace, or what’s considered a valid name.
We can calculate a fully qualified name by concatenating the namespaces of all the ancestors up to the top level ancestor. Future versions might support this directly.[35]
4. Other considerations
4.1. Reflection
Reflection describes the ability of each Meta-Metamodel instance to access the definition of the Meta-Metamodel element from which it has been instantiated.
It is important to offer this functionality also in consideration that some implementation languages may not offer reflection capabilities that could be used as an alternative.
4.2. Generics
Generics are not directly supported by this proposal. We could solve some needs through specialization of features in derived classes. We could alternatively also imagine using specific annotations for supporting this.
In general Generics complicate the solution and MPS can live without them. Also, in StarLasu we never encountered the need for them so far.
4.3. References to language elements
extended Concepts
extended or implemented Interfaces
Types of Properties or Links
As built-ins is just another language, we refer to its members by their id, just as any other language members.
From an instance, we refer to its defining language element by the language element’s Keys[34] This includes references to
Language usage
Annotation or Concept instance
Property assignment
Containment assignment
Reference assignment
EnumerationLiteral value
4.4. Union or intersection types
These are not supported.
4.5. Operations
Operations are not represented in the Meta-Metamodel.
5. Reference models
5.1. Meta-meta model
The LionCore model, aka LionWeb M3. It is defined by means of itself, as outlined by Meta-Object Facility.
"serializationFormatVersion": "2024.1",
"languages": [
"key": "LionCore-M3",
"version": "2024.1"
"key": "LionCore-builtins",
"version": "2024.1"
"nodes": [
"id": "-id-LionCore-M3-2024-1",
"classifier": {
"language": "LionCore-M3",
"version": "2024.1",
"key": "Language"
"properties": [
"property": {
"language": "LionCore-builtins",
"version": "2024.1",
"key": "LionCore-builtins-INamed-name"
"value": "LionCore_M3"
"property": {
"language": "LionCore-M3",
"version": "2024.1",
"key": "Language-version"
"value": "2024.1"
"property": {
"language": "LionCore-M3",
"version": "2024.1",
"key": "IKeyed-key"
"value": "LionCore-M3"
"containments": [
"containment": {
"language": "LionCore-M3",
"version": "2024.1",
"key": "Language-entities"
"children": [
"references": [
"reference": {
"language": "LionCore-M3",
"version": "2024.1",
"key": "Language-dependsOn"
"targets": []
"annotations": [],
"parent": null
"id": "-id-Annotation-2024-1",
"classifier": {
"language": "LionCore-M3",
"version": "2024.1",
"key": "Concept"
"properties": [
"property": {
"language": "LionCore-M3",
"version": "2024.1",
"key": "Concept-abstract"
"value": "false"
"property": {
"language": "LionCore-M3",
"version": "2024.1",
"key": "Concept-partition"
"value": "false"
"property": {
"language": "LionCore-builtins",
"version": "2024.1",
"key": "LionCore-builtins-INamed-name"
"value": "Annotation"
"property": {
"language": "LionCore-M3",
"version": "2024.1",
"key": "IKeyed-key"
"value": "Annotation"
"containments": [
"containment": {
"language": "LionCore-M3",
"version": "2024.1",
"key": "Classifier-features"
"children": [
"references": [
"reference": {
"language": "LionCore-M3",
"version": "2024.1",
"key": "Concept-extends"
"targets": [
"resolveInfo": "LionWeb.LionCore_M3.Classifier",
"reference": null
"reference": {
"language": "LionCore-M3",
"version": "2024.1",
"key": "Concept-implements"
"targets": []
"annotations": [],
"parent": "-id-LionCore-M3-2024-1"
"id": "-id-Annotation-annotates-2024-1",
"classifier": {
"language": "LionCore-M3",
"version": "2024.1",
"key": "Reference"
"properties": [
"property": {
"language": "LionCore-M3",
"version": "2024.1",
"key": "Link-multiple"
"value": "false"
"property": {
"language": "LionCore-M3",
"version": "2024.1",
"key": "Feature-optional"
"value": "true"
"property": {
"language": "LionCore-builtins",
"version": "2024.1",
"key": "LionCore-builtins-INamed-name"
"value": "annotates"
"property": {
"language": "LionCore-M3",
"version": "2024.1",
"key": "IKeyed-key"
"value": "Annotation-annotates"
"containments": [],
"references": [
"reference": {
"language": "LionCore-M3",
"version": "2024.1",
"key": "Link-type"
"targets": [
"resolveInfo": "LionWeb.LionCore_M3.Classifier",
"reference": null
"annotations": [],
"parent": "-id-Annotation-2024-1"
"id": "-id-Annotation-extends-2024-1",
"classifier": {
"language": "LionCore-M3",
"version": "2024.1",
"key": "Reference"
"properties": [
"property": {
"language": "LionCore-M3",
"version": "2024.1",
"key": "Link-multiple"
"value": "false"
"property": {
"language": "LionCore-M3",
"version": "2024.1",
"key": "Feature-optional"
"value": "true"
"property": {
"language": "LionCore-builtins",
"version": "2024.1",
"key": "LionCore-builtins-INamed-name"
"value": "extends"
"property": {
"language": "LionCore-M3",
"version": "2024.1",
"key": "IKeyed-key"
"value": "Annotation-extends"
"containments": [],
"references": [
"reference": {
"language": "LionCore-M3",
"version": "2024.1",
"key": "Link-type"
"targets": [
"resolveInfo": "LionWeb.LionCore_M3.Annotation",
"reference": null
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"version": "2024.1",
"key": "Classifier-features"
"children": [
"references": [
"reference": {
"language": "LionCore-M3",
"version": "2024.1",
"key": "Interface-extends"
"targets": []
"annotations": [],
"parent": "LionCore-builtins-2024-1"
"id": "LionCore-builtins-INamed-name-2024-1",
"classifier": {
"language": "LionCore-M3",
"version": "2024.1",
"key": "Property"
"properties": [
"property": {
"language": "LionCore-M3",
"version": "2024.1",
"key": "Feature-optional"
"value": "false"
"property": {
"language": "LionCore-builtins",
"version": "2024.1",
"key": "LionCore-builtins-INamed-name"
"value": "name"
"property": {
"language": "LionCore-M3",
"version": "2024.1",
"key": "IKeyed-key"
"value": "LionCore-builtins-INamed-name"
"containments": [],
"references": [
"reference": {
"language": "LionCore-M3",
"version": "2024.1",
"key": "Property-type"
"targets": [
"resolveInfo": "LionWeb.LionCore_builtins.String",
"reference": null
"annotations": [],
"parent": "LionCore-builtins-INamed-2024-1"
6. Comparison with other meta-metamodels
Main difference: we aim for multiple implementations on different platforms, we want to serve both textual and projectional languages and editors.
LionCore | Ecore | MPS |
Adapter (M1) / EAnnotation (M2) |
— |
— |